The reason I have one of the “fastest” recipes for setting up on a Jekyll blog on GitHub pages from command-line. And I hereby give this recipe to you. If you have Jekyll installed on your computer, it will take you less than 1 minute to set up your own website which you can manage with Jekyll. And of course, you can skip all this and fork the template I created in this post which lives at gh-pages-orphan-branch-template.

The birdview process is this: we will first create a new Jekyll project using jekyll new command. This will create a bunch of files. To these files, we will add a file named “Gemfile” instructing Jekyll to install a few packages necessary for GitHub integration, and run an install command. Then we will initialize this directory for git, add a remote, and checkout the “gh-pages” branch.. Once we commit all the files and push to “gh-pages” branch, your website will be live on the internet hosted by GitHub.

1-minute Jekyll recipe

First login to your GitHub account on your browser, and then click on this link and create your repository:

Let’s call your username <user>,and your repository name <repo>. In the commands below, replace <user> with your actual username, and actual repository with <repo>.

cd /project-directory
jekyll new <repo>-dir
cd <repo>-dir

This creates a new Jekyll project under <repo>-dir directory. Now, let’s add our “Gemfile” file, and run the install script for Github packages to be installed.

printf "source '' \n gem 'github-pages'" > Gemfile
bundle install

If you don’t have “bundle” installed, you can run gem install bundler. All the files should be where they are now. You can check if things are working by running Jekyll in this directory with `jekyll serve’ and browsing to “localhost:4000”.

Let’s now push all the content to the “gh-pages” branch of GitHub.

git init
git remote add origin<user>/<repo>.git
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git add .
git push origin gh-pages

Voila, your website should be up at http://<user><repo>.